the thorn & thread collective

Welcome to the Thorn & Thread Collective, a collection of magical blogs and websites created by members of the Spindle & Scroll Society. We are a small but mighty community of witches, folk practitioners, and magical enthusiasts who share a passion for exploring the worlds of witchcraft and folklore. Although we all walk our own, individual paths, we believe in the important of having a community of peers to share that journey with. Each of the blogs here is an expression of its author’s individual magical path.

mother moon

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pocketful of rue

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nettle & cinder

blending ancestral folklore, spirit work, and folk traditions into an authentic and personal magical system

About Thorn & Thead
Thorn & Thread Collective is a blogring created by members of the Spindle & Scroll Society for witches and other magical practitioners who want to share their personal journeys with like-minded peers. Our goal is to cultivate a small but mighty community in which to build friendships, connect with magical peers, share resources, and support each other in our unique magical pursuits.

traditional witchcraft folk magic spirit work spirit model magic

links are capitalized.
To uncapitalize: links

How to Join
Wouldst thou like to join our blogring? The blogring is open to writers and creators who have been active members of the Spindle & Scroll Society for a minimum of one month.New members are welcome to apply for both the Society and the Collective simultaneously, but they will only be featured in the blog ring after completing one month of active membership in Spindle & Scroll.
  • Ensure that your blog or website fits the theme of witchcraft and magic.
  • Become a member of the Spindle & Scroll Society Discord group and join in the discussion/activities.
  • Once you've joined the server, let the admin team know you're interested in joining the blogring.
  • Copy and paste our banner code somewhere into the main page of your blog or site.
  • Submit your blog link and wait to be approved!
Before applying to join, be sure to read our blogring's rules & requirements here.
Community Rules
  • Your blog must be active, with at least one post in the last 90 days.
  • Your content must align with the Collective's values on inclusivity and respect.
  • Absolutely no hate speech, bullying or cyberharassment.
  • No plagiarism. Sources must be clearly cited.
For a full explanation of our Community guidelines, here.